
LIP members are taking part in the educational program of ETH serving with lectures and seminars. In addition, all scientific staff (typically a total number of 10 to 12 people) serve as teaching assistants within the ETH departments: physics, earth sciences, and environmental systems sciences. Furthermore, LIP staff members are supervising and supporting a large number of students for Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. theses in physics, as well as students from various departments of ETH (chemistry, materials sciences, earth sciences, environmental systems sciences) and other universities, who are applying AMS and other ion beam techniques in their research projects.

Our internal seminar is held during semester time. It provides a stage for presentations of internal and external research activities and plays a vital role for information exchange within the laboratory. Beside well-known researches and international recognized experts in their fields we always provide an opportunity for bachelor, master, and Ph.D. students to present their work.

Participants of the Swiss vacuum course which is organized by LIP every second year.
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